Ingenieurbüro FRANKE · Features
Years ago there was a game called Jumpman running from a
floppy boot disk for the IBM PC with 8088 at 4.77 MHz.
Unfortunately this game was implemented in a way that makes
it unplayable even with an 80286 at 6 MHz.
The actual game Classic Jumpman is mostly equivalent with
the optic, sound, and course of the play of the original.
However, it runs on any PC using DOS. If there is a Soundblaster
compatible sound card installed, it will be detected and used
for sounds and music.
The updated version contains the previously missing level 'Freeze'.
The jumpman is moved with the joy stick, the cursor keys, or
the keys from the numeric key pad. For jumping it is necessary
to additionally press the space bar or the joy stick button.
The following keys have special meaning:
| pause game
Ctrl + S
| disable or enable sound
Ctrl + R
| aborts current level
Alt + X
| exits the game
Before the start of each Level the current player is displayed,
e.g. 'Player 1'. While the player information is shown each
player may set an individual speed with the keys 1 to 8.
The speed ranges from fast (1) to slow (8). The regular and
default speed is 4.
Have fun playing the game.
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Last Revision: February 10, 2001
Copyright © 1999-2001, Ingenieurbüro FRANKE.
All Rights Reserved.